The Inspired series was birthed out of years of teaching downloaded by God through the Holy Spirit. The teachings started as just an illumination of every day passages that have been misinterpreted and I feeling led to search the Scriptures for myself under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

I remember it was a process of a couple of years where I was just sitting at His feet and soaking in the rich revealed word.

Since I was at Bible school it has always been about how do I apply what I have heard. That is what my ministry is based on. Making the Word applicable in people’s lives by the power of the Holy Spirit and in so doing we can apply it and the Word then brings the transformation in our hearts.

As the soil of our hearts responds to the seed of the word it changes from rocky soil that chokes the word to soil where there is little soil where the cares of this world choke the word and later to where we hear and accept and even further to where we believe it and apply the word and it produces thirty, sixty or a hundred fold.

The Lord started to unearth the fact that that the love of God is the absolute foundation of the Christian faith. We would never have been able to earn salvation hence Eph 2:8-9 says we are saved by grace through faith. We receive the Grace of God made available because of the love of God for us  His creation, and then access the salvation available by faith.

The Inspired series is therefore revelation downloaded by God with a Bible passage as the foundation and the key of illumination of how we can understand and interpret and apply the Word of God.

We are challenged in Scripture as believers to hear preaching and then go and search the scriptures like the Bereans in order to get the deeper understanding of how the Word can be applied in our lives.

The Word is about illumination and application not just reading and therefore just feeding off the ‘tree of the knowledge of good and evil’. It is not about head knowledge but heart knowledge.